100 Spares
Century Challenge Club
100 Spares



................. TWO Scoring systems for 100 Spares Challenge score sheets

    Scoring system #1 (Only mark successfully converted spare -- uses a single score sheet)

    1. CONVERTED SPARE - place a CIRCLE around the pin number to indicate a converted spare
    2. MISSED SPARE - a small X is written between the numbers. For multiple consecutive missed spares, stack the Xs above each other until converting the next spare. . Click here to see example

    Scoring system #2 (Uses multiple score sheets)

    1. CONVERTED SPARE - place a CIRCLE around the pin number to indicate a converted spare
    2. MISSED SPARE - place a X through the pin number to indicate a missed spare

Submit completed 100 Spares Challenge score sheets to: 100spares@gmail.com

All electronic score keeping programs will also be recognized for the 100 Spares Challenge. The eligible starting date for electronic program records is September 08, 2015.

Please submit a print out, screen capture, picture, etc. of your having converted 100 spares to 100spares@gmail.com. Once confirmed, you will be included on our Wall of Honor.

Click here for the 100 Spares 7-Pin score sheet

Click here for the 100 Spares Challenge
7-Pin score sheets

Click here for the 100 Spares 10-Pin score sheet

Click here for the 100 Spares Challenge
100 SPARES score sheets

Century Challenge Club & 100 Spares Challenge were created by Michael Nyitray, USBC Gold Certified Coach -- Copyright 2015
www.worldmike.com .............................................................. www.worldmike.com